Monday, January 10, 2022

Shower the People--Make Love Reign

© 2022 Christy K Robinson 

I've loved James Taylor's music for--yikes--more than 50 years now, and every performance is still fresh. Many of the songs he's written are wise and kind and humorous, and I imagine that they come from the heart of a human who both believes his lyrics, and practices them. 

That we live in a world of 

  • have and have-not, 
  • respectful and rude, 
  • those working for justice and those laughing because they have Teflon impunity,
  • kindness and greed,
  • mercy and vindictiveness,
  • desperate people escaping their ancestral homes because of war or narcotics cartels but being met with hatred, violence--and indifference,
  • selfishness about the "right" not to take the easiest and cost-free vaccines so all people can go back to relative health and safety or even attend religious services,

means that we who identify with being godly (no matter what our religion or denomination is) must not only speak our words of love, justice, hospitality, kindness and mercy, we must put them into action

If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? So too, faith by itself, if it does not result in action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2:16-18

Photo and article:

"Thoughts and prayers" has become a cliche' because those saying it are substituting a meaningless phrase for meaningful action. Does this 🙏 emoji, repeated numerous times, have meaning? 

From ancient prophets, and Buddha, and Jesus, we have learned that doing our beliefs is what's important, not thinking them or discussing them endlessly. 

Look at all the action verbs here! Do to others what you would have them do to you. Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with your God. Love your neighbor as yourself. Visit the imprisoned and sick (care for them, in other words). Feed the hungry and give them a drink. Take care of widows and orphans. Don't disrespect, kill, steal, lie, or cheat others. Treat the alien better than your own family. Work, so you can help others instead of stealing from them. Whoever believes will do the work Jesus is doing. 

This is not a religion of works of trying to be perfect, that denies grace. This is "work" that sometimes breaks rules or societal expectations, but brings healing, comfort, joy, relief, safety, and uplift to strangers, along with the unexpected grace of friendship and fun with the other people in your service, outreach, or ministry. 

A few days ago, I found a post on social media that was composed to match the tone of the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi ("Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace..."). This one takes a different, parallel path. 

Lord, make me a channel of disturbance.
Where there is apathy, let me provoke; 
Where there is compliance, let me bring questioning;
Where there is silence, let me be a voice; 
Where there is too much comfort and too little action, grant disruption; 
Where there are doors closed and hearts locked, grant the willingness to listen;
When laws dictate and pain is overlooked...
When tradition speaks louder than need... 
Grant that I may seek rather to do justice than to talk about it;
Disturb us, o Lord. 
To be with, as well as for, the alienated; 
To love the unloveable as well as the unlovely; 
Lord, make me a channel of disturbance.   (author unknown)

Why did I start this article with a James Taylor reference? So you can be reminded of this part of the song: 

Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine
If you only will
Do as I say
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna be much better
If you only will

Don't only shower the people you love (though it's a worthy start), but shower people you don't even know. Shower the hungry. Shower the unloveable or the people who have hurt you. Shower the "other." Shower the helpless or the people living out of a shopping cart. Shower the refugee. 

Let it rain. Make love reign. 

It will come back to you, I promise.

Shower the People (lyrics embedded on video)

Christy K Robinson is author of these books (click a highlighted title):
Mary Dyer Illuminated Vol. 1 (2013)  
Effigy Hunter (2015)  

And of these sites:  
Discovering Love  (inspiration and service)
Rooting for Ancestors  (history and genealogy)
William and Mary Barrett Dyer (17th century culture and history of England and New England)
Editornado [ed•i•tohr•NAY•doh] (Words. Communications. Book reviews. Cartoons.)

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